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Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Contoh Pourquoi Tales-Why the Elephants Has Big Ears?

Long time ago in a place far far away lived an elephant who lived at Earless Land. He wanted big ears so no one would laugh at him.
He came up to a gorilla and said,"Can you stretch out my ears?" The gorilla did, and the elephant was very thankful. The elephant went to all the other elephants and said,"Look at my ears! Look at my big ears!"
Now he's got big ears and his friends won't laugh at him. So then he went to the store and got gooey, green stuff. When he went back he saw them asleep. So he put the gooey stuff under the elephants and when they woke up they had big ears because they kept stretching.
So from that day on he had big ears and the other elephants had big ears. Then he lived happily ever after at Earless Land.

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